Ski Touring recommended route

Skitour Nisslalm - Längenfeld/Gries

Ski Touring · Laengenfeld
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  • Photo: Julian Noggler, Ötztal
GRIES ->  Vögelasbrücke -> direction Nisslalm -> NISSLALM
Distance 5 km
1:40 h
453 m
2 m
2,054 m
1,593 m
From the parking in Gries follow the path to the Sulztal. After crossing the Vögelasbrücke, a clear slope is noticeable. After another three bends, keep to the right at the next junction. Continue uphill through pine forests, where you reach the Nisslalm after a short while. It is worth stopping here to enjoy the delicious food and the unforgettable panorama. After a short break, we recommend a detour to the lookout pulpit, which offers an incredible view of Gries (2 minutes walk).

Author’s recommendation

On this ski tour you can practice the ascent, because the descent is on the same way back (cleared winter hiking trail, also toboggan run)!
Profile picture of Ötztal Tourismus Büro Längenfeld
Ötztal Tourismus Büro Längenfeld
Update: March 19, 2024
Highest point
2,054 m
Lowest point
1,593 m
Best time of year

Track types

Asphalt 1.61%Dirt road 98.25%Path 0.12%
0.1 km
Dirt road
4.9 km
0 km
Show elevation profile

Rest stops


Safety information

Avalanche Hazard Scale

1 (LOW) Triggering is generally possible but only from high additional load in isolated areas of extremely steep terrain. Only small-sized sluffs and natural avalanches are expected. Snow layers are generally stable.

2 (MODERATE) Avalanches may be triggered in case of truly heavy loads, especially on a few explicitly indicated, steep slopes. Large spontaneous avalanches are not expected. In general, the snowpack is well bonded except on some very steep slopes. Choose your route carefully, avoid the indicated slopes and exposed sections.

3 (CONSIDERABLE) Triggering is very probable even from low additional loads, particularly on the indicated steep slopes. On some steeper slopes, medium or even fairly large spontaneous avalanches may occur. On most steepslopes the snow layer is only moderately or weakly stable. Expertavalanche knowledge is required. You must avoid the indicated steepslopes and highly exposed sections.

4 (HIGH) Avalanches are likely to be triggered on many of the indicated steepslopes even if only light loads are applied. In some places, numerous medium-sized and also large-sized natural avalanches are expected.The snowpack is poorly bonded on most steep slopes. Choose your route according to these criteria, select only moderately steep terrain by avoiding the avalanche runout zones. Very expert avalanche knowledge is required.

5 (EXTREMELY HIGH) Numerous huge or very large-sized natural avalanches are expected also in moderately steep terrain. Safe skiing is not possible anymore, not even in the marked ski area. The snowpack is poorly bonded and largely unstable. Don‘t go ski mountaineering at all!


Always check the current avalanche danger level before setting out on a ski tour! A daily updated avalanche report is available (in the winter months) on the official website of Tirol's avalanche warning service



Tips and suggestions


Ski Mountaineering Rules

  • If you enjoy activities amid nature always respect the local guidelines when you set out on a ski tour (for example: wildlife preserves, hunting enclosures, reforestation areas, information boards, etc.).
  • Don‘t enter protected wildlife zones or feeding areas amid naturelandscapes, and avoid noise.
  • Cross forest areas in winter only on sign posted trails or marked routes as wild animals can panic if they hear loud voices or noise.
  • Learn more about the habitat of wild animals in the mountains, avoid getting too close to them. Watch them only from a safe distance. Please put your dog on a lead, it is absolutely irresponsible to take dogs into the forest without leashing them because wild animals suffer from food deficiency and weakness in winter.
  • Excellent planning and time management: start your tour early enough and return before darkness. In spring you should be back on the hut or in the valley at 12 noon (avalanche hazard!) at the latest.
  • Never cross forestation zones and areas with young plants and trees.


Ötztal Tourismus doesn‘t take any responsibility for the suggested tours. It is strongly recommended to enlist a certified local mountainguide. 

Before you set out on a tour you should inform someone down in the valley about the tour‘s destination and when you plan to be back. Anavalanche transceiver is an absolute must for Alpine ski mountaineering tours.


More details about ski mountaineering tours in Ötztal:



47.069635, 11.027019
47°04'10.7"N 11°01'37.3"E
32T 653902 5214896



Turn-by-turn directions

From the parking lot in Gries follow the path to the Sulztal. Until the Vögelasbrücke this runs very flat. From the bridge, however, the slope increases noticeably. After 3 bends you reach the turnoff to Nisslam. (Right) In a few hairpin bends, the path meanders to the hut. Please pay attention to the downhill sledders.

Public transport

Public transportation

Travel comfortably and safely by train. Endstation or exit point is the station ÖTZTAL. Then you drive comfortably and quickly by public transport or the

local taxi company through the entire valley to your desired destination. The current bus timetable can be found at:


The drive to the ÖTZTAL

Arriving by car leads holidaymakers over the Inntal to the valley entrance and further along the Ötztal. In addition to the motorway can also be used on rural roads. With the route planner, your journey can be quickly and easily determined. To the route planner:



The following parking facilities are available in Gries:

Gries at the end of the village - (chargeable)


47.069635, 11.027019
47°04'10.7"N 11°01'37.3"E
32T 653902 5214896
Get there by train, car, bike, or on foot!

Author’s map recommendations

AV Karte Stubaier Alpen - Hochstubai 1:25 000


Recommended Ski Mountaineering Equipment

The „standard ski mountaineering equipment“ is: touring skis with touring bindings, telescopic poles, climbing skins, ski crampons, digital avalanche transceiver, avalanche shovel, avalanche probe, firstaid kit and mobile phone. A „complete glacier equipment set“ contains: sit harness, two prusik loops of different lengths and ascenders, two HMS biners, icepick, climbing irons and rope. Pack your rucksack carefully and don‘t forget extra clothes for the descent, sun protection/cream, cold protection, enough food and drink. If you stay overnight at a mountain hut take toiletry articles and a hut sleeping bag with you!



  • Easy: Short or moderately long tours, always easy, with ascents not steeper than 25° or slightly steeper only on short sections.
  • Intermediate: Moderately long or long tours of intermediate difficulty with ascents up to 35° or slightly steeper only on short sections.
  • Difficult: Very challenging and long or very long tours with ascents that can exceed 40°, comprising also climbing sections up to difficulty grade II (UIAA).

Similar routes nearby

  • Wide Grieskogel
  • Hinterer Daunkopf
  • Schrankarkopf 3254m Längenfeld/Gries
  • Kuhscheibe - Längenfeld/Gries
  • Hochreichkopf 3.010m - Umhausen-Niederthai
 These suggestions were generated by our system
5 km
1:40 h
453 m
2 m
Highest point
2,054 m
Lowest point
1,593 m
Refreshment stops available


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