Vent, summer Vent, summer

On-mountain safety & orienteering

Useful tips for successful tours

As sweeping as a peak conquest can be: A mountain tour is only successful if you return to the valley safely and on your own. Hiking maps and written folders help climb Ötztal's scenic mountain slopes on marked trails at precisely defined difficulty levels. Already when planning a tour it's absolutely necessary to calculate weather conditions and your own physical stamina. The equipment comprises not only warm clothes, snacks and enough to drink but also a first aid kit including emergency numbers. A couple of basic mountain rules for hikers promise superb mountain exploration in Ötztal, kept in good memory.

So everything runs smoothly up there

General hiking recommendations

Are you eager to start hiking? Very good. With the recommendations drawn up by the umbrella organization of the leading Alpine mountain sports associations, you're on the safe side. Take these tips to heart to get up and down the mountain safely!

Hiking is an endurance sport. It makes the heart and circulation work, which requires you to be healthy and to realistically assess your fitness. Try not to rush and walk at a tempo where nobody in the group gets out of breath.

Find out about the length, altitude difference and difficulty of your tour from reputable sources. Pay particular attention to the weather forecast because wind, rain and cold increase the risk of an accident. In the event of an emergency, the SOS-EU-ALP app will help you!

Pack as lightly as possible, but never forget rain, cold and sun protection, a first aid kit and a cell phone. A map or GPS will help you find your way, and a drink and snack will give you strength.

When making your choice, look for a perfect fit, non-slip tread sole, waterproofness and low weight. This will take the strain off your feet and improve your stride!

If you walk too fast or are tired, this will affect your sure-footedness and concentration. Be careful not to slip, stumble or fall. By walking carefully you avoid loosening rocks.

In open terrain, the risk of losing your way, falling and falling rocks increases. Avoid shortcuts and return to the last known point if you lose your way. Highly dangerous: steep old snow fields!

Recovering, eating and drinking is necessary to maintain performance and concentration. Ideal provisions: isotonic drinks, muesli bars, dried fruit and cookies.

For kids, the focus is on discovering the mountains through play. In passages where there is a risk of falling, one adult can only supervise one child at a time. Very exposed tours are not suitable for children.

In a smaller group, you remain flexible and can help each other. Inform people you know in advance about your destination, route and return and always stay together as a group along the way!

Don't leave any garbage behind, avoid noise, stay on the paths, keep your distance from wild or grazing animals, don't touch any plants and respect protected areas. If possible, travel by public transport or carpool!

Easy orientation

Trail markers in Ötztal

Thanks to a standardized signposting system for trail markers, hikers will easily find the right way in and around the mountains of Tirol. Furthermore, the classification of trails in different levels of difficulty helps to choose the suitable hiking route. Walking trails (easy), mountain trails (moderately difficult to difficult) and Alpine routes (very difficult) with certain characteristics take you straight up to various altitudes in the surroundings of Ötztal.

Broad and almost level walking trails on the valley floor, close to settlements, leading through wooded areas. No prior mountain experience is required. Hiking equipment is not necessary.

Suitable for: beginners and leisurely walkers

Mountain trails of intermediate difficulty, located above the timberline in most cases. They are mostly narrow, often steep, sometimes exposed and require basic Alpine experience and knowledge. Some trails feature short, secured climbing passages.

Suitable for: surefooted and experienced mountain hikers.

Black hiking trails are difficult routes, they are narrow, steep or very steep, often exposed and can be dangerous especially in bad weather. These trails may feature longer, secured climbing passages. Also via ferrata routes are black mountain trails.

Suitable for: absolutely sure-footed mountaineers with Alpine experience and a good head for heights, Alpine hiking equipment is a must

These extremely difficult routes can be found in high Alpine terrain on partially unmarked routes, very exposed footpaths featuring unsecured hiking and climbing passages. There is a high risk of slipping and falling on Alpine routes.

Suitable for: absolutely sure-footed mountaineers with enough high Alpine experience, excellent stamina and a good head for heights, Alpine hiking equipment is a must

Ready for any eventuality

Mountain rescue & first aid

Sudden thunderstorms, climbing in rough and almost impassable terrain, a slip and fall or a sudden feeling of faintness: Suddenly it can become dangerous in the mountains. It's important to organize help quickly in order to help others or oneself. You are always perfectly prepared with the SOS-EU-ALP App of Leitstelle Tirol on your mobile phone plus a good outdoor first aid kit in your backpack.

When an accident has happened, the first thing to do is activate the cell phone and start the rescue chain. Therefore a mobile phone with a full battery and a charger are an essential part of your equipment.

  • 140: Mountain rescue service – Alpine emergency
  • 112: European emergency number (works with any mobile phone & all available networks)

If there is no reception and in dead spots, no emergency calls can be made. Go to an area with better reception and dial 112 regularly. Euro emergency: Access to all available networks if 112 is dialled after switching on the phone instead of entering the PIN or by using the SOS emergency function.

  • Who is reporting / call-back number?
  • What is the exact location of the accident?
  • What has happened?
  • How many people are injured?
  • helps where other rescue organizations are already stuck
  • provides professional help in high Alpine terrain
  • can rely on a professionally trained team of volunteers
  • is on standby around the clock, 365 days a year
  • consists of 92 local service points to be at the place of accident as quickly as possible

The SOS EU ALPapp allows you to determine your location (x,y coordinates) via your smartphone. In an emergency, this location data can be transmitted directly to the relevant control center (Tyrol, South Tyrol or Bavaria).

Do's and don'ts for hikers

Mountain hiking rules

The VAVÖ (Austria Alpine Associations) and the UIAA (Union international des associations d'alpinisme) have set up 10 international hiking and mountaineering rules to promote safety in the Alpine hiking regions. Those who respect these guidelines can enjoy a truly carefree hiking holiday in Ötztal.

Check your physical condition before you start a hike and choose an appropriate tour according to your experience and the shape of your hiking companions.

It's absolutely necessary to accurately plan a hiking tour in Alpine terrain. Not only the length and the distance but also the difference in altitude is important.

Appropriate hiking and mountaineering equipment is a must. Hiking clothes, non-slip hiking boots, raingear and protection against cold are absolutely required. Don't forget to take a first aid box and enough food and drink (also for emergencies) with you!

You should always be informed about the weather conditions and check the latest weather and avalanche reports for high Alpine regions. Additionally, you should trust in local weather forecasts and snow reports referring to the hiking area you have chosen.

Choose the mountain tour according to the season and the length of the day. Inform someone (for example your host) about the tour, the exact route and when you plan to be back.

Start your hike as early as possible so that you return early and don't get caught by darkness.

Never hike alone. Always check the fitness of your hiking companions first, then choose a mountain tour according to the physical shape of the weakest hiker.

The right walking speed is of utmost importance for all hikers, depending on your own stamina and the physical fitness of your companions. A walking pace which is too fast causes overexertion.

Never leave the signposted walking routes and hiking trails. Especially in snow-covered glacier areas and on via ferratas a chest and sit harness, secured by a rope, are absolutely required.

Respect nature in high Alpine regions and don't leave garbage in the mountains. Please help us to keep the mountains tidy!

At a running jump towards new adventures

Tour planning & equipment

Do you love surprises? Believe us, in the alpine nature you prefer to know what to expect. Weather changes, blisters on your feet and a rumbling stomach in front of a closed hut door are not necessary. With the right equipment and tour planning, nothing stands in the way of your mountain experience here in Ötztal!

Tour planning:
Preparation is everything

No matter how long your hike is supposed to take: Study the route carefully, assess your physical fitness realistically and make sure you have suitable clothing and food. Keep an eye on the weather forecast to decide whether you should set off at all and when you should turn back.

Special tip: We have collected the best planning tips for day hikes and multi-day hikes so that you can elegantly avoid the classic planning mistakes.

The must haves on the mountain

Your packing list can be quite compact, but it can also be quite extensive. Depending on whether you are going on a day hike, staying overnight in a hut or even roaming the mountains for several days.

It is essential to take along:

  • Suitable functional clothing in several layers & well-worn hiking boots
  • Sun protection (glasses, sun cream and cap)
  • Telescopic hiking poles
  • Sufficient food (check the opening times of the huts!)
  • First aid kit
  • Charged smartphone incl. charger and power bank
  • Hiking map (digital and printed)
  • Cash