Buchabenteuer für Kinder
Book Adventur for children aged 5 - 10 years
Who stole the leaf?
With literary educator Christina Prechtl and
Mrs. Assel (Book Chatter)
The squirrel is beside itself! Someone has stolen its leaf.
We will go on a journey together to find out who it could be.
The blue tit will help us. Was it the mouse or maybe the woodpecker?
We will find out. Afterwards, we'll learn more about the thief and conduct an experiment. To process all the excitement, we'll head outside, search for the wind, create our own wind, and see how brave we are in wild storms.
Limited number of participants – Registration required at:
haiming@bibliotheken.at or during opening hours at 05266/88600-590.
Free entry!
The event is wheelchair accessible. Please consider eco-friendly transportation.
In cooperation with Green Event Tirol.