festivals & celebrations, culture / customs / markets

Traditional Costume festival & Ötztaler Blech Beben

Kalkofen Sautens (Sautens)
16. June 2024


Friday 14.06.2024
- 19:00 march-in of the clubs
- followed by the 50th anniversary celebration of the Sautens traditional costume association with a big Tyrolean evening framed by the ‘Tanzlmusig Sautens’
- Pure entertainment with ‘MARKUS from the Ötztal’

Sunday 16.06.2024
- 9 am field mass at the church square
- Then march to the festival site
- Morning pint with the ‘Alpengrußkapelle’ band
- Dances of honour by the traditional costume groups
- Musical entertainment at the end of the festival


Traditional Costume festival & Ötztaler Blech Beben

Friday 14.06.2024
- 19:00 march-in of the clubs
- followed by the 50th anniversary celebration of the Sautens traditional costume association with a big Tyrolean evening framed by the ‘Tanzlmusig Sautens’
- Pure entertainment with ‘MARKUS from the Ötztal’

Sunday 16.06.2024
- 9 am field mass at the church square
- Then march to the festival site
- Morning pint with the ‘Alpengrußkapelle’ band
- Dances of honour by the traditional costume groups
- Musical entertainment at the end of the festival

Dorfstraße 78
6432 Sautens