
Church Maria Hilf in Gries




The Gries im Sulztal Chaplaincy Church is located in Gries im Sulztal in the municipality of Längenfeld im Ötztal in the state of Tyrol. The Roman Catholic chaplaincy church, consecrated on the feast of Maria Hilf, belongs to the Silz deanery in the Innsbruck diocese. The church and the cemetery are listed buildingsFeedback geben

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Church Maria Hilf in Gries
The Gries im Sulztal Chaplaincy Church is located in Gries im Sulztal in the municipality of Längenfeld im Ötztal in the state of Tyrol. The Roman Catholic chaplaincy church, consecrated on the feast of Maria Hilf, belongs to the Silz deanery in the Innsbruck diocese. The church and the cemetery are listed buildingsFeedback geben

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6444 Längenfeld