Ski tours & freeriding
Ascent & descent
Prefer to be off the beaten tracks? Here you will find untouched slopes and tours that will leave you blissfully happy somewhere between nature exploration and sporting challenge. Classics such as Hohe Wilde, Weißkugel or Wildspitze are just a small selection of the most popular "Hautes Routes" in the Eastern Alps. No matter what skill level you are at, you will get going in Ötztal - on your own or to be on the safe side, with local mountain guides.
Tour planning tips & equipment
Well prepared & Equipped to Ötztal's Mountain World - Planning is half the battle. A platitude in everyday life, a necessity for adventures in the mountains! Anyone who enters the high Alpine terrain in winter should definitely be well prepared and perfectly equipped. Take a closer look at our overview of tour planning tips.
Tour planning tips
Yes, ski touring can be really exhausting! Endurance sports strain the heart and circulation and require good health and excellent self-assessment.
- Inform yourself in advance about the length of the tour, altitude difference, difficulty level and current snow conditions.
- Always keep an eye on the weather forecast. Strong wind and poor visibility increase the risk of accidents immensely.
- Organize yourself in small groups. Companions can help each other by also reducing the risk. High Alpine glacier crossings are allowed only in a group by using a rope.
- Before starting a tour, you should tell someone in the valley about the tour's destination and the time you plan to be back. On each ski tour an avalanche transceiver is an absolute must.
- Hot, isotonic drinks are perfect thirst quenchers and also provide warmth. Light food such as cereal bars or snacks will satisfy hunger on the go.
Recommended ski mountaineering equipment
The "standard" ski mountaineering equipment is: touring skis with touring bindings, telescopic poles, climbing skins, ski crampons, digital avalanche transceiver, avalanche shovel, avalanche probe, first aid kit and mobile phone. A ski helmet can prevent severe head injuries.
A "complete" glacier equipment set additionally contains: sit harness, two prusik loops of different lengths and ascenders, two HMS carabiners, ice pick, climbing irons, bivouac bag, airbag system and rope.
Pack your rucksack carefully and don't forget extra clothes for the descent, sun protection/cream, cold protection, enough food and drink. If you stay overnight at a mountain hut take toiletry articles and a hut sleeping bag with you.
Our ski mountaineering equipment list provides an overview:
- Sports underwear
- Socks
- Long sleeve zip
- Ortovox Merino 320 Jacket
- Softshell layer
- Down jacket
- Sunglasses
- Backpack 35l+
- Pair of ski touring skis
- Pair of ski touring boots
- Pair of climbing skins
- Avalanche transceiver
- Shovel
- Probe
- Ortovox Gemini bivouac bag
- First-aid bandage set
- Snack
- Enough to drink
- Telescopic poles
Rules & Dangers
In harmony with nature – Nature sets the pace. Wind & weather conditions as well. Those who are off the beaten track must keep to certain rules. In order to protect nature - and your own health!
Ski mountaineering rules
- The right tour planning and schedule: start the tour early enough and return before dark. In spring you should be back at the hut for lunch (avalanche danger).
- Short breaks in-between are necessary to maintain concentration and stamina
- Keep dogs always on a leash
- Don't throw away things and don't feed wild animals
- Pay attention to danger signs and avoid danger spots
- Groups should ascend one behind the other with a minimum distance of 10 meters in order to avoid heavy loads on the snow layer. While skiing downhill a distance of about 30 meters is strongly recommended.
- The most common cause of accidents: falling on downhill stretches. The right skiing technique and moderate speed according to the abilities and the snow conditions reduce this risk considerably.
- If you enjoy activities amid nature always respect the local guidelines when you set out on a ski tour (e.g. wildlife preserves, hunting enclosures, reforestation areas, information boards, etc.).
- Cross only approved routes and respect protected wildlife areas
- Don't enter feeding areas and avoid noise
- Observe wild animals only from a distance and avoid getting in close contact with animals whenever possible
Avalanche hazard scale
Always check the current avalanche danger level before setting out on a ski tour! A daily updated avalanche report is available (in the winter months) on the official website of Tirol's avalanche warning service.
1 (Low): Triggering is generally possible but only from high additional load in isolated areas of extremely steep terrain. Only small-sized sluffs and natural avalanches are expected. Snow layers are generally stable.
2 (Moderate): Avalanches may be triggered in case of truly heavy loads, especially on a few explicitly indicated, steep slopes. Large spontaneous avalanches are not expected. In general, the snowpack is well bonded except on some very steep slopes. Choose your route carefully, avoid the indicated slopes and exposed sections.
3 (Considerable): Triggering is very probable even from low additional loads, particularly on the indicated steep slopes. On some steeper slopes, medium or even fairly large spontaneous avalanches may occur. On most steep slopes the snow layer is only moderately or weakly stable. Expert avalanche knowledge is absolutely required. You must avoid the indicated steep slopes and highly exposed sections.
4 (High): Avalanches are likely to be triggered on many of the indicated steep slopes even if only light loads are applied. In some places, numerous medium-sized and also large-sized natural avalanches are expected. The snowpack is poorly bonded on most steep slopes. Choose your route according to these criteria, select only moderately steep terrain by avoiding the avalanche runout zones. Very expert avalanche knowledge is required.
5 (Extremely high): Numerous huge or very large-sized natural avalanches are expected also in moderately steep terrain at any time. Safe skiing is not possible anymore, not even in the marked ski area. The snowpack is poorly bonded and largely unstable. Don't go ski mountaineering at all!
Safety tips
Important emergency numbers for Alpine accidents in Austria:
- 140 Alpine emergency call
- 144 Ambulance emergency call
- 112 European emergency call
When placing an emergency call always give the following information first, just in case that the telephone connection is bad or cut off for any reason:
- WHAT did happen? (crevasse fall, crash,...)
- WHERE did it happen – exact location? (name of location, altitude, GPS coordinates)
- HOW is the condition of the injured? (unconscious, severely injured,...)
Give your name and phone number to the operator. Make sure you can be reached on the phone until the rescue team arrives in case the operator or the helicopter must contact you again.
IMPORTANT: Follow the instructions given by the operator, answer all questions clearly and don't put down the phone until you are told to. The operator can provide you with important information on how to treat the injured.
Always be on the safe side thanks to the Emergency App SOS EU ALP! Made especially for Alpine emergencies within Tirol! Download App Store | Download Google Play Store